Pathways to a Multiple Subject Credential
To teach elementary school in California, you need a bachelor's degree and a credential. Liberal Studies at Cal Poly is the undergraduate degree that offers competency in all subject matters as well as pre-requisites for the Cal Poly multiple subject credential program.
There are many routes to obtaining a multiple subject credential. Most of these involve an extra year of study at the graduate level. At Cal Poly, students who make an early career decision to seek a multiple subject credential will typically be credentialed in four years (bachelor's degree) plus 3 quarters (credential program), for a total of 15 quarters, rather than the 4 or more quarters the credential process usually takes. An entire quarter of pre-requisites for the Cal Poly multiple subject credential program is included in the B.S. Liberal Studies degree.
Courses Needed for Multiple Subject Credential at Cal Poly
Quarter 1 (offered Fall, Winter, and Spring) |
Quarter 2 (offered Fall, Winter, and Spring) |
Quarter 3 (offered Fall, Winter, and Spring) |
View the Cal Poly Multiple Subject Teacher Education Program website here