Support Liberal Studies

Course Offerings

Below is a table of expected course offerings for Liberal Studies major and support courses for the 2023-24 academic year, subject to change.  An X indicates the course is planned to be taught; (X) indicates the course might be taught.


Fall 2023

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Summer 2024

ASTR 101 X X (X) (X)
BIO 111 X X X X
BIO 211   X X  
EDUC/CD 207 X X X  
EDUC 427 X X X (X)
EDUC 428 X X X  
ENGL 391 X   X  
GEOG 308 X X (X) (X)
HIST 201 X X X  
HIST 208 X X X  
HIST 210     X  
KINE 310 X X X  
LS 201 X      
LS 211 X X X  
LS 214 X   X (X)
LS 230 X X X  
LS 250 X X X  
LS 255 X X X (X)
LS 301 X   X  
LS 305        
LS 310 X X X  
LS 350       (X)
LS 370 X X X  
LS 380        
LS 400 X X X  
LS 411        
LS 412   X X  
LS 413 X      
LS 461 X X X  
LS 462        
MATH 227 X X    
MATH 328   X X  
MATH 329 X   X  
MATH 330 X X    
PHIL 230 X X X X
PHIL 231 X X X X
PSC 101 X      
PSC 102   X    
PSC 103     X  
PSY 201 X X X  
PSY 202 X X    
STAT 130 X X X  
STAT 217 X X X X

Please note, courses may be canceled if not enough students enroll.  

Cal Poly also maintains a database of Term Typically Offered information for all courses.  You can access it here to find out what quarter any class is usually offered during. The database can take some time to load.

Some departments aligned with our concentrations also make Course Offering listings.  You can access them via the links below:



Child Development/Psychology



For other concentrations, use Cal Poly's general Term Typically Offered database.

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