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English Concentration

The English language as a discipline is structured around concepts of rhetoric and grammar as they are used to express creative thought orally and in writing. Knowledge in these areas is generated by a study of current and historical rules of rhetoric and grammar and of current and historical works of literature. The term "creative thought" includes poetry, narration and exposition in both oral and written form.

Visit the Catalog page for English concentration

English Concentration Students Will:

  • Choose 4 courses - 16 units required – 8 upper division.
  • Check for pre-requisites before enrolling.

*Students are encouraged to align their concentration to a minor/ ISMA in English.

English Concentration

Advisor: Dr. Megan Guise Office: Bldg. 47-35L, Phone: 756-2134, email: Megan Guise

Core courses:

  • ENGL 302: Writing Advanced Compositions GWR or ENGL 317 Technical Editing GWR
  • ENGL 390 The Linguistic Structure of Modern English
  • ENGL 339 Introduction to Shakespeare (GE C4) GWR
  • ENGL 365 Complexities of Literacy in Literature and Non-fiction Text

Select any one of the following courses:

British Literature

  • ENGL 330 English Literature in the Age of Belief: to 1485 (4) GE C4
  • GWR ENGL 331 English Literature in the Age of the Renaissance: 1485-1660 (4) GE C4
  • GWR ENGL 332 English Literature in the Age of Enlightment: 1660-1798 (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 333 English Literature in the Age of Romanticism: 1798-1832 (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 334 English Literature in the Age of Industrialism: 1832-1914 (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 335 English Literature in the Age of Modernism: 1914 to present (4) GE C4 GWR

American Literature 

  • ENGL 340 The Literary Sources of the American Character: 1660-1865 (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 341 The Literary Sources of the American Character: 1865-1914 (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 342 The Literary Sources of the American Character: 1914-1956 (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 343 The Literary Sources of the American Character: 1956-present (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 345 Women Writers of the Twentieth Century (4) GE C4 GWR ENGL 346 Ethnic
  • American Literature (4) GE C4 GWR ENGL 347 African American Literature (4) GE C4 GWR 

Modern English:

  • ENGL 350 The Modern Novel (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 351 Modern Poetry (4) GE C4 GWR
  • ENGL 352 Modern Drama (4) GE C4 GWR

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)

Advisor: Dr. John Battenburg  
Office: Bldg. 47-35D, Phone: 756-2143, email:

  • ENGL 390: The Linguistic Structure of Modern English (4)
  • COMS 416: Intercultural Communication USCP (4)
  • ENGL 497: Theories of Language Learning and Teaching (4)
  • ENGL 498: Approaches to Teaching English as a Second Language/Dialect ( 4)
  • ENGL 499: Practicum in Teaching English as a Second Language/Dialect (2) (CR/NC)

Visit the catalog page for TESL

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