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Gina Boldman

Gina Boldman 

Liberal Studies Faculty



Office: Online only via Zoom

(Please email for Zoom information)



M.A. in Children’s Literature, Eastern Michigan University (1999)
B.S. in English, Language and Literature, Eastern Michigan University (1994)

Courses at Cal Poly

LS 255: Children’s Literature in a Diverse Society

Other Courses

Global Children’s Literature
Multicultural Children’s Literature
Introduction to Children’s Literature
Harry Potter: Literary Allusion, Children’s Literature, and Pop Culture
Children’s Literature and Music
Illustrated Texts: Picture Books, Comics, and Graphic Novels

Research & Interests 

History of BIPOC representation and authenticity
Resistance, resilience, and empowerment in literature of atrocity
Punk/rock music, identity, rebellion, and intertextuality

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