Support Liberal Studies

Rosie Ojeda

Rosie Ojeda, Ph.D. 

Assistant Professor



Office: 25-123

Phone: 805-756-0872




Ph.D. in Education, Culture, and Society, University of Utah, 2024

M.A. in Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), University of San Francisco, 2016

B.A. in English Education, BYU-Idaho, 2011


LS 255: Children's Literature in a Diverse Society 

Research & Interests 

Latina/o/x students’ education and schooling experiences

Examination of coloniality’s impact on Latina/o/x power and identity and diasporic identity widely

Bi/multilingual education and bi/multicultural education

Indigeneity in the Latina/o/x community and its influence on educational/schooling experiences



Wall, M., Shiver, S., Partola, S., Steffes, N., & Ojeda, R. (2023). Racelighting in Utah education: Counterstories across contexts. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. doi:10.1108/EDI-11-2022-0328

Diaz, A., Folau, K., Ojeda, R., & ‘Ulu’ave, L. (2023). From roots to reefs: Metaphors for relational praxis from the diasporas of Abya Yala and Moana Nui. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. doi: 10.1177/11771801231178851

Ojeda, R. & Wall, M. (2021). “Power back in the community”: Going beyond performative generosity in nonprofits. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing. doi: 10.1002/nvsm.1720

Ojeda, R. (2016). Seven supporting strategies for ELLs with limited or interrupted formal education in k-12 classrooms. New Teacher Advocate.

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